Handcrafted Pens and more...
Hand Crafted Pens
They make great gifts!
L.M. Montgomery Pens
Hand Crafted Wooden Pens!
At Watts Tree Farm we strive to put any trees harvested to the best end use. During our fire wood gathering we find unique pieces of wood that should be made into something much better than simply burning. Some of these unique pieces end up being made into these beautiful pens. Over the years we have received wood from other sources, but our main focus continues to be to source wood from "PEI grown trees".
Scroll through the photos below to learn more about the process and the pens!
L. M. Montgomery
The L. M. Montgomery pens made from wood recovered from an apple tree that has a strong connection to Lucy Maud Montgomery’s childhood homestead.
L.M. Montgomery was raised by her grandparents, Alexander and Lucy Macneill in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island (PEI). She lived there from 1876 until 1911 and this is where she wrote her novel, Anne of Green Gables.
The apple tree grew up in the center of where the kitchen of the home was located. In early September 2019, the remnants of Hurricane Dorian hit PEI and toppled the apple tree.
The wood from the tree was saved and it is from this tree that I am fortunate to be able to create these pens. It is very fitting, that the tree that grew on the very spot where L.M. Montgomery penned her timeless novel has now been turned into pens. There will be a limited number of pens made from this tree and each one will be numbered as sold. It is my hope that if you receive one, you will cherish it for a lifetime.

These are examples of pens made from an apple tree that grew at L.M. Montgomery's homestead. Some of these pens are available in our online store. Please email me at wattstreefarm@yahoo.ca for more information.

This is a sampling of the pens that are available. They make an excellent treasured gift, especially when personalized.

Most pens are made from two "turning squares". We try to keep them in pairs when ever possible. These blanks will be bored and have a metal tube glued into the center before they are turned on a lathe.

These are examples of pens made from an apple tree that grew at L.M. Montgomery's homestead. Some of these pens are available in our online store. Please email me at wattstreefarm@yahoo.ca for more information.
Call us at 902 388-4050 to make an appointment to view these unique Hand Crafted Gifts.
At Watts Tree Farm we like to share the Spirit of our Forest with people everywhere. We carefully select each unique piece of wood from our forest, or salvaged from some other source, and release its inner beauty and spirit. For a more complete story about these pens, go to Watts Tree Farm Blog at: https: //wattstreefarmpei.wordpress.com/2015/03/01/pens-from-the-forest/